We believe we can no longer remain silent. Pornography is invading and polluting our society. Anyone who uses the internet, will find himself, exposed to porn websites or pornographic ads. Millions of people in the world are suffering from sexual addictions.
It is a toxic dependency that produces devastating effects equal to those caused by heavy drugs. Sex is the first subject of research on Google. There are more than 4 million known porn websites – about 2500 are developed every week. 85% of men and 41% of women have admitted to having clicked on a pornographic link at least once.
This data shows how the problem is spreading like wildfire and striking every generation. We are talking about a real epidemic! Pornography is polluting our brains, relationships, friendships, marriages and families.
Porn robs people of their full potential, distorts sex, weakens character and annihilates true beauty. We need a revolution of purity.
We are aware that it is possible to change, but we must start with ourselves.