“Infostudenti” is a website, a quiet place where students can consider basic questions about the journey of life and God.
Our society, culture, traditions, religions, and more, urge us to take certain directions in life without fully considering the foundation they have and the consequences they produce. This is why we created this site. We wanted to offer a place where people could take their time to fully read about God and make personal considerations while still evaluating, constructing, and making decisions about the journey of their life.
We do not have the presumption of wanting to answer every question of life. However, we wish to present the world with the answer we have discovered ourselves. We believe that God is able to give meaning to life, becoming our point of reference on which to build our hopes, plans, and dreams. We would like you to have the same opportunity to know Him and have “an anchor to your soul” through the journey of your life.